Numerous artists, found images in a reference book,1975 Winnebago Indian D-23, arts and crafts supplies, beer, coffee, computer, music, BBQ, card table, lawn chairs, astroturf, tarp, 300”x216”x168”
Created for Artscape, in the city of Baltimore, MPSD-23 is a mobile studio. We manipulated the interior of the 1975 Winnebago to support multiple work-stations for an artist to create knock-off works from the early 80s. During the weekend event, various artists were invited to participate. We had compiled a book of famous pieces from ArtForums in the 1980’s. Artists selected work and the material of their choice to produce their rendition. These works were then sold on the street, outside the Winnebago. No prices were listed, all prices were based on the viewers' sense of value of the piece and then haggled to a final bargain.